Sunday, November 24, 2013

Awan - The Wife of Cain

From Biblical Archaeology:
While there are many examples of strong and inspiring men and women in Genesis, the book is also packed with stories of dysfunctional families, which is evidenced from the very beginning with the first family—Adam, Eve and their two children, Cain and Abel. In no short amount of time—just 16 verses after announcing the birth of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4—Cain has murdered his younger brother and is consequently exiled from the land.
Given that the wife of Cain is only mentioned once in the Old Testament, she would not be counted among the famous women in Genesis. Nevertheless, her identity is still worth investigating. Who did Cain marry? Mary Joan Winn Leith first explores the traditional Jewish and Christian answers that contend that the wife of Cain was another daughter of Adam and Eve. According to this reasoning, Cain would have married his sister—one of Abel’s twin sisters no less, according to the Genesis Rabbah.

Wikipedia goes further and names the sister:
The Targumim, rabbinic sources, and later speculations supplemented background details for the daughters of Adam and Eve. Such exegesis of Genesis 4 introduced Cain's wife as being his sister, a concept that has been accepted for at least 1800 years. This can be seen with Jubilees 4 which narrates that Cain settled down and married his sister Awan, who bore his first son, the first Enoch, approximately 196 years after the creation of Adam. Cain then establishes the first city, naming it after his son, builds a house, and lives there until it collapses on him, killing him in the same year that Adam dies.

From The Book of Jubilees, Chapter 4 at Sacred Texts:
And Cain took ’Âwân his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth jubilee. And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.

An interesting love triangle theory from Diabolical Confusions:
According to some Hebrew and Islamic scholars, the reason Cain’s heart was not righteous was because of a woman: their sister, Awan. It is believed that Awan was intended for Abel, but Cain fell in love with her. This can be seen in the Book of Jubilees. Adam & Eve had nine (9) children. And this is where the story takes an interesting turn. Genesis, by the way, has no problems with incest, specifically brothers an sisters marrying. That is because there is no other option at this point. So, from this point of view, God has favored Abel in both marriage AND sacrifice.

From Folklore & Mythology Electronic Texts: various versions of the story of Cain & Abel


Unknown said...

who is Awan????? did she love Cain 1st? and why do you believe Cain & Adom died in the same year? do you believe their fates were entwined purposely? - for the groove of human existence?

Anonymous said...

i think cain and Azura has a better ring to it lol . so ill just ship them instead.

L. G. Craft said...

As a Jew, I know of no such "tradition" in our teaching. Adam, spelled with a final mem, is plural. It is Jewish teaching that many men (adam-being Jewish for mankind) and woman were created but Adam, the man who was Eve's husband, was chosen. Cain married a woman who was not his sister but a member of another family. As well, Eve was specifically created for Adam as there were other woman but none suitable for him as far as righteousness was concerned.

Renato Gozo Galia Jr. said...

I believe that Cain's wife was his own sister. The only problem i see in the book of Genesis particularly the story of Cain having known a wife is the "SEQUENCE OF EVENTS." The story of Cain marrying a woman should have been written after which Adam and Eve bore female children. The problem here is that the author had already written the story about Cain marrying a female when in fact there was no other woman during that particular period of time but Eve. And the story was written even before Adam and Eve bore another child in the person of Seth and we all know that Seth is a boy. Do you see my point? Adam and Eve - Cain and Abel - Cain married a woman - Adam and Eve bore Seth - So how do you explain that? If i were to rewrite the book of Genesis it should be this way: Adam and Eve - Cain and Abel - Adam and Eve bore Seth - Adam and Eve bore female children - Cain married a woman. If it were written that way there would have been no problem.

Unknown said...

Cain could have married a fallen angel.Since in Genesis 6 said the sons of God married the human women .just a thought

Unknown said...

I agree that Cain might have married and fallen angel. Because there were no other people around. I I

Unknown said...

But fallen angels are men. All angels are men. What about the daughters of men that the fallen angels were with?

Anonymous said...

Angel means “messenger”. Fallen angels who fell from heaven (not a physical place/planet) but a higher understanding of truth from God, are humans who could no longer be messengers from God because of their sin. Most people are in a fallen state of consciousness and are fallen angels. I agree with Karen Brown. The whole thing about people claiming demons and aliens are fallen angels is just a deterrent to cause humanity to think WE are not the ones who God is talking about, and placing blame on other beings when in fact it’s all about us.

Branson said...

Correct me if I’m wrong, but all references to angels in the Bible are male - which opens up another question; why Would god create celestial beings with reproductive organs capable with humans, knowing that marriage would lead to the fall of humanity?

Anonymous said...

But God created on sixth day man and woman and on seveth day after God took rest He created Adam and then Eve for the garden. I feel God created others before Adam and Eve and they was the first Hebrew tribe and there was eleven other tribes he created.

Unknown said...

Keep me updated

Anonymous said...

That's right sis

Anonymous said...

Cain and abel had twin sisters.
Eve had cain and azura than abel and awan. Cain took awan with him when he got cast out. Than seth had kids with azura. 100

Unknown said...

Oh my God am confused here, Did God created another human apart from Adam and eve ?

Unknown said...

But this is what I thought...
Adam means "Man" it is derives from the Hebrew word "Adama" meaning, the actual name of the First Adam(man) is Not mentioned in the Bible...
After 2000years, the Bible notes that a Second Adam(Man) would come and the Scripture names Him Jesus...
But as you can see, Between the First Adam(man)-Nameless; and the Second Adam(Man)Jesus Christ, there was a huge generation of people beginning from Seth all the way to where the Second Man arrives...
The First Adam(man) had sons called Abel and Cain but None of this sons was called Second Adam(man) and Third Adam(man) etc...
So therefore, if Jesus who came 2000 years after the First man(Adam) is termed as the Second Man(Adam) despite having a great generation of people in between...
It is possible then, before the First man(Adam) there existed another geration of people who are not mentioned...
Remember, one of the Scriptures says, if every single detail of this book(Bible) would have been written, it would have been so big that the world would not contain it.
And if that should be so, then Cain married from that already existing generation.
What do you think

Unknown said...

You're very very very correct, the author caused the confusion. Glad to know someone actually understands.

Unknown said...

You are right man, glad to know to know someone out there actually understands.

Unknown said...

You're right

SothaFire said...

In the book of Enoch it says the female fallen angels fell into the sea, and that both male and female angels were cast to earth, yes his wife could have very well been an fallen angel if we include missing chapters.

Saju Mattew said...

Hello Unknown,
I agree with what you are suggesting here. If anyone is serious about studying the scriptures and willing to discard the nonsensical teachings of Pentecostalism, I would like to give you an information that might blow your mind. Adam was not the first human being but the first covenant man Yahweh chose to carry His image. He transgressed the command, but that too was known to Yahweh in his ‘foreknowledge’, for the Saviour Jesus the Christ must bring the good news of Salvation and the message of the Kingdom of God. The penalty for the covenant that Adam transgressed is paid in full by Jesus and he establishes a new covenant in his blood. As Jesus was the last Adam, “but not the last man on the face of the earth”, Adam was not the first man on the planet earth but the “image” of God, representing all humanity in his day. Bible must be understood spiritually since the language used to record it is rhetorical. God bless.

Saju Mattew said...

L. G. Craft,
I would like to discuss this subject with you since your comments are very much in line with my findings. I am a Christian researcher studying the book of Genesis, creation, theistic evolution etc. As I replied to 'Unknown's observation above, I too believe that Adam was not the first human on earth but a chosen man to carry a task Yahweh purposed in his divine sovereignty. The Bible says, "Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. (1 Cor 15:45). Jesus was not the last man on planet earth. Jesus represents all humanity before Yahweh. If one reads the Bible literally, the errors one makes out of the scripture will be huge.

Kindly advise me, if I can get hold of any books with this subject you mentioned in your comment. You can reach me in my Email:

Unknown said...

There were female annunaki. Read ancient Mesopotamia history. The same history but the original text from the people alive during the time. Adam and Eve were created as the first modern humans to carry on the royal succession this is why this is the family line of kings. When Cain flees for fear of his enemies in genisis it sorta tells you right their that other humans were on earth. Also a more simple view just because female angels aren't mentioned in the cannon doesn't mean they do not exist.

Unknown said...

But In one story Lilith was Adam first wife how true is this please someone should enlighten me

Unknown said...

Since Eve was decieved by the snake there was no need to mention out the names of these daughters of Adam and Eve because of disobidience but cain married her own sister.according to the Jewish tradition woman were regarded as second class citizens can check in the book of matthew who is pro Jewish ....specifically on the feeding of 5000 he just mentions that the bread and fish were eaten by man yet the gathering was having females and kids but they are not mentioned

Anonymous said...

Okay let's clear up some things. 1st, we must try not to add our own theories and accept the fact that there are some details about creation that we don't know. All in God's plan. 2nd Angels are created beings who took on human form (a requirement in order to enter enter the earth realm) we can agree that sibling marriage was accepted at this time (we see this with Abraham and Sara).

Anonymous said...

This is the way I see it according to the Bible. Adam and Eve, Cain, Enoch, Methuselah, Lament, Noah, Shem, Ham, Jepeth, Human Race.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. The Enoch you mention, father of Mathusalen (Genesis 5:21), is descendant of Seth, another child of Adan and Eve (Genesis 4:25), is not the same Enoch son of Cain (Genesis 4:17). Read KJV and don’t believe too much in what Google said at the first search.

Anonymous said...

Forget Genesis it is only a story. Ancient people were simple people and could only learn through parables.