Take for instance my interest - medieval history. I came across a list of 234 Blogs listed under "medieval interests". Did all 234 have medieval interests - dare I say it - NO!
Simple break down: about half dozen I had already come across which did have medieval / history content - no arguements there. But as for the rest - about another dozen did not exist anymore; about 100 had the barest amount of visible medieval / history content whatsoever (eg: a sentence here and there but not even in context); and the rest had nothing (and I just couldn't be bothered going through more than one year's worth of blogging).
Yes, I spent my time reading blogs about gardening, cats, dead cats, even more cats (cats seemed to be the most popular theme) - and no they weren't medieval or even historical cats!
So, just how true to a Blog's "key words" should a Blog be???? Now me, my Blog is listed under the following key words: women, medieval, history, biography - so I can cover quite a bit without seeming to run off-topic (which I am known to occasionally do). But should a Blog that uses the key words "medieval law" actually contain something akin to medieval law or since the author consistently Blogs about their cat, should it's key words thus be "cat"??? Don't get me wrong - even I couldn't find something in medieval law to Blog about day in and day out - but you would think that there would be the occasional topic - I failed to find one (as I said, one years' worth was enough for me - I just couldn't stand reading about the darn cat or the plumbing or the frozen stock cubes anymore.
I have a list for "women's history" - there's only 15 in that list - I'll let you know how I get on - or not!