
Monday, July 12, 2010

Women Recount WWII Service

From the Jacksonville Patriot:
Dorothy Gardner, a former Army nurse, and Betty Krause, a former Navy WAVE, both Hot Springs Village residents, shared their World War II experiences with members of the Jacksonville Historical Society at the Jacksonville Museum of Military History on Thursday.

Both women said they joined their respective services up to two years after the entry of the U.S. into World War II, not because of the shock of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Each said they knew where Pearl Harbor was, but distance softened the impact. They did not become aware of what the attack signified until later.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds interesting. In the UK one of the est sources for female experiences of WW2 is the mass observation archive which has all sorts of diaries and questionaires etc filled out by women during that period.

    Thanks for sharing

