
Monday, July 12, 2010

"Lulu" - still a threat 40 years later

From CNN:

California's parole board Tuesday refused to release onetime Manson family acolyte Leslie Van Houten, finding the 60-year-old remains dangerous more than four decades after the group's Southern California murder spree.

The board found that Van Houten "still poses a risk to society," spokesman Luis Patino said. The decision marks the 19th time that she has been denied parole, and she won't be eligible again until 2013, Patino said.

Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Patrick Sequeira praised the decision.

"The crime itself was absolutely horrendous -- the brutal slaughter of two individuals in their home, in a cruel and very horrifying manner," said Sequeira. "It is our position that she never really has fully accepted responsibility for her crimes."

And there she should remain - no sympathy here.

1 comment:

  1. Even if she didn't pose a risk, so what, she should be in prison for life. No sympathy here either.
