
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Women Around the World: Year in Review

So, another year is done. How did 2017 shape up for women and girls around the globe? Here is a selection of news:

  • Record-breaking Women's March on January 21, 2017
  • Global #MeToo campaign
  • Legal advances in the Middle East
  • U.S. Women, Peace, and Security Act is enacted
  • U.S. slashes funding for global women’s health
  • Legal reform on child marriage
  • Gains in women's political leadership
  • Low participation in peace talks
  • Global migration crisis grows
  • Female fighters combat terrorism
  • Almost four in ten businesses have no women in senior management positions in G7 countries
  • The proportion of senior business roles held by women globally stands at only 24%
  • There is an increase in the percentage of firms that have no places for women in senior management
  • In G7 countries only 22% of companies have women as part of their senior staff
    • 39% of companies have no women in senior roles whatsoever in G7 countries
    • In Japan, with its powerhouse economy, only 7 percent of companies have women in senior roles
    • Germany, another country with a strong economy, has only a 15% rate of countries with women in senior roles
  • women's march
  • U.S. cuts funding to UNFPA
  • Canada announces international assistance policy
  • Family Planning receives funding boost
  • advancements in women's rights globally
  • Global #metoo campaign
  • widening of the Global Gender Gap

  • the year in Movies

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