
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Medieval Mongolian Noblewoman Found In Compost Pit

Couple unearth remains of 'rich' female buried up to 1,000 years ago with her rare Chinese bronze mirror.

Natalia Filina, 31, and her husband were digging in their garden when they hit stones. In the hole they were digging as a compost pit, they found not only a skeleton but also a bronze mirror some 9.9 centimetres in diameter and 0.5cm thick. Police called in the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies in Ulan-Ude, and experts found additional remains. 

The medieval woman was lying in a wooden coffin made of log, covered with birch bark. The bronze mirror is believed to date to the 10th to 13th centuries, which perhaps indicates the age of the burial. Detailed tests will be carried out to determine when she lived.

Read Article from December 2015 @ The Siberian Times

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