
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Witch Stories - Scotland

From “Witch Stories” by Elizabeth Lynn Linton (1861)

968 – King Duff pined away in mortal sickness, by reason of the waxen image which had been made to destroy him; but for the fortunate discovery of a young maiden who could not bear torture silently, he was enabled to find the witches – whom he burnt at Forres in Murray, the mother of the poor maiden who could not bear the torture among them: enabled, too, to save himself by breaking the waxen image roasting at the “soft” fire, when almost at its last turn.

1479 - 12 mean women and several wizards were burnt at Edinburgh for roasting the king in wax, and so endangering the life of the sovereign liege in a manner which no human aid could remedy; and the Earl of Mar was at their head, and very properly burnt too.

1480 – Lady Mar gave herself up to the embraces of an Incubus – a hideous monster, utterly loathsome and deadly to behold; and if young ladies of the nobility could do such thins, what might not be expected from the commonalty?

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, thank you.
