
Monday, October 25, 2010

Canada Remembers: Women Who Served

The new documentary, Canada Remembers: Women Who Have Served and Sacrificed will air on VisionTV November 11 at 10pm ET. It will be followed at 11pm ET by Canada Remembers: Their Achievements and Sacrifices.

During the Second World War, women served in non-combat support roles in the Royal Navy as WRENS, the air force women’s division and in the Canadian Women’s Army Corps. Many women also took over important jobs and others supported the military to help keep supplies moving. War Brides, who married during World War II, were deeply affected by the conflict and had their lives completely changed. Many women have also served near the frontlines as medical support. The modern Canadian military has seen a relatively new development: women serving in combat as frontline soldiers. For the first time in Canadian history women have died in combat for their countries. And what of the women who have watched and waited as their loved ones go off to serve in combat conditions? The very real truth is that they may be sacrificing a husband, son or brother to a conflict half a world away. These women will share their stories, their memories and sacrifices while touching on the role their faith played to carry them through difficult times.

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