
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Malaysia: Women Authors

From the Star:
Award winning author Chiew-Siah Tei ".... won for her critically-acclaimed debut novel, Little Hut of Leaping Fishes, which had also been longlisted for the inaugural Man Asian Literary Prize while still in manuscript form in 2007."

Peggy Tan Pek Tao, author of Life: The Malaysian Style!, was also a winner at The Star Readers’ Choice Awards.

Both the top winners in this year’s awards are notably experienced, with years of writing under their belts.

Tei has been writing articles, literary prose and columns for Chinese newspapers such as Sin Chew Jit Poh and Nanyang Siang Pao since the 1980s. She has published several books in Chinese, including It’s Snowing (1998), about her life in Scotland, and a collection of arts and film reviews, Secrets and Lies (2000). 
Language lecturer Tan has written newspaper articles and an English grammar book for university students. She decided to start writing something “more exciting”, and published a well-received book of short stories, Tales of the Heart, in 1997.

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