
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

German Man Admits To Assault on 1000 Women

From the Times of India:
A man in Germany has admitted to raping or sexually assaulting more than 1,000 women by copying a trick from the movie " The Silence of the Lambs".

Forty six-year-old Joerg P admitted to more than 1,000 offences against women in a crime spree that spanned 22 years. The trial has begun in Germany, Daily Mail reported.

Joerg used a trick from film "The Silence of the Lambs" to lure his victims into feeling bad for him.

While in the movie, the killer fakes a broken arm to get his prey to help him and then hits them on the head, Joerg pretended to have a similar injury while knocking on doors and asking to use the toilet.

He has not only confessed to 20 rapes in Holland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg, he has also asked for another 1,000 sex offences to be taken into consideration.

He admitted that he has a burning hatred of intelligent women and told a court in Dusseldorf that he had an insatiable need to degrade them.

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