
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Freedom For Sarah Shourd

From MicroMix:
32 year-old Sarah Shourd, an American women was freed by Iran on Tuesday after a $500,000 to win her freedom. The said amount was requested with a plea for Iran to drop or lower the sum because they were struggling to raise the cash.

Sarah Shourd and two male Americans Shane Bauer (Shourd’s fiance) and Josh Fattal (Shourd and Bauer’s friend) were held by the Iranian government after a suspicion on spying. The three Americans were detained near Iran’s border with Iraq in July of 2009. Shourd was freed after 13 months while her two male companions were denied from their freedom.

On NBC News, a spokesman said that Sarah Shourd has board an Arabic plane heading to Oman. Shortly after Shourd’s release, Iranian authorities said they are not considering the immediate release of Bauer and Fattal.

Before boarding the plane, Sarah Shourd gave a statement to Iran’s English-Language Press TV saying “”I want to really offer my thanks to everyone in the world, all of the governments, all of the people, that have been involved, and especially, particularly want to address President Ahmadinejad and all of the Iranian officials, the religious leaders, and thank them for this humanitarian gesture.” She also said that “I’m grateful and I’m very humbled by this moment.”

President Obama is urging Iran to show a renewed compassion for the release of the other two Americans. Since there is no U.S Embassy in Iran, the Swiss embassy represents U.S. interest in Iran.

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