
Monday, July 19, 2010

Canada: Women in Need House III

From the Edmonton Journal:
Located inside a hidden, highly secured Edmonton-area home, WIN III is the only shelter in the country specifically designed for immigrant women fleeing domestic violence.

The five-bedroom home, which can house two families or four women at a time, is the brainchild of Edmonton Women's Shelter Ltd., operated by Changing Together, a local centre for immigrant women, and staff say it's been full since they opened three months ago.

"To see women who thought they had no place to go come in and say 'Thank you for accepting me' -- that's the moment you know this project is important to our community," explains Sandra Danco, Edmonton Women's Shelter director.

Edmonton is home to more than 143,000 immigrants, just over half of them female. The United Way says one in 10 immigrant women in Canada is a victim of violence.

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