
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Troublemakers Luncheon

From the Salt Lake Tribune:
The monthly luncheon spans two tables and two generations, women munching salads and sandwiches at a suburban steakhouse. The menu may be mundane but the agenda is anything but: These women are here to dish on political elections, government reform and civic redevelopment.

Membership in this 2-year-old lunch club, which includes current and former mayors and councilwomen, has swelled since the informal group of political junkies finally donned a title last fall: Troublemakers.

"It became more appealing" once it was known as the "Troublemakers' lunch," laughs founding member Jennifer Scott, district director for U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz. "Women should make a little trouble."

The name is spoken tongue-in-cheek -- a lighthearted jab at people who would believe that any time women get involved in politics they are up to no good.

"Troublemaking," former Taylorsville Mayor Janice Auger explains, "that's in the eye of the beholder. I don't think that we start out to be troublemakers, but the people who disagree with us perceive us as troublemakers."

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