
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sierra Leone: No More Rhetoric Mr Koroma

In 2009, Sierra Leonean Women from various shades of opinions came together to challenge that chauvinistic taboo by taking the Ernest Koroma led State Government to Court in order to champion the rights of women like Madam Kumba Torto of Kono and Madam Sia Bandabilla of Kissi-Kailahun to contest for the same chieftaincy position that their male forefathers had successfully contested for.

The unprecedented solidarity and determination of Women of Sierra Leone sparked off an international debate that saw prominent international figures turn their attention to the stance of the brave women of Sierra Leone.

“It is not enough to pay lip service to our rights. President Koroma must back his words with positive action; he should keep to his 2007 Elections Manifesto promises and set Sierra Leone women free from the bondage we are under or else come 2012 Elections, he should prepare for a possible shock defeat at the elections polls,” said Madam Hawa Mansaray, who identified herself as a prominent female activist from Koinadugu District.

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