
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bolivia: Women In Politics

From Momento 24:
The new Bolivian cabinet, in which half of the ministerial posts went to women, took office on Saturday in a showcase of the country’s efforts to achieve gender equality.

“My great dream has been fulfilled, half of my cabinet are women, the other half men,” said President Evo Morales, speaking at a ceremony at the Quemado presidential palace.

A day before, Morales, a leftist and Bolivia’s first indigenous president, was sworn in for a second term. He won more than 64-percent of the vote in December’s election.

The President swore in each one of the ministers, urging them to work to strengthen democracy and fight corruption. Female members of his cabinet include Labor Minister Carmen Trujillo; Justice Minister Nilda Copa; Transparency and Anti-Corruption Minister Nardy Suxo; and folk singer and activist Zulma Yugar as minister of culture.

The only precedent in Latin America for a similar split was under President Michelle Bachelet in Chile, who after her 2006 election divided her cabinet of 26 ministers equally among men and women.

See also: People's Daily Online

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