
Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well, another year has begun. And I would like to thank all those who have dropped by over the last couple of years. I hope that you have found something of interest.

As always, I will try and find some news articles of interest - pertaining, of course, mainly to women - and from a variety of sources worldwide. There will also a few articles from archaeology and history. I will add a list of books that I find interesting - and feel free to add your own or add a link to a review (good or bad!).

And to anyone on Facebook or Myspace - feel free to click the "add as friend" button - and I'll return the add.

Well, off to source some news stories .... take care loyal readers!


  1. happy new year.... nice to see u..

  2. A wonderful new year to you, Melisende!

    Thanks so much for sharing these informative posts. Please keep it up!
