
Saturday, December 19, 2009

India: Women's Prison

From the Indian Express:
Prison authorities are all set for the inauguration of Maharashtra’s first open jail for women at Yerawada Central Prison in Pune. The open jail is scheduled to be inaugurated on January 26, 2010.

Speaking to The Indian Express, Inspector General of Police (Prisons) Uddhav Kamble appreciated the state government for approving their proposal for an open jail for women.

“The main benefit is that women prisoners will now get remission in their punishment. So far, this facility was only for male prisoners as the state has four open jails for men,” Kamble said.

“Besides reduction in prison term, the open jail will also help in improving the living condition of women prisoners. Those eligible for open jail will be given training in farming, painting, weaving and other skills. The women prisoners will also be given remuneration for their work. They will be equipped with new skills and knowledge which will also improve their physical and mental conditions,” he said.

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