
Saturday, October 31, 2009

View from a Grain of Sand

From Echo News:
SAWA Lismore (a branch of SAWA Australia, which is a support group for the women of Afghanistan) will screen View from a Grain of Sand, a film by Afghan journalist Meena Nanji, on Thursday, November 12, at the Birth and Beyond Centre in Nimbin.

The film gives a 50-year account of the Afghanistan saga since before the Russian invasion and how events have led to the present awful situation. It's an inside account on the effects of wars and tribal conflicts on the Afghan people, the way women are brutally treated, and how the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) has come to exist as the only viable movement for change. The women of RAWA continue to educate the Afghan people and provide medical facilities in the face of tribal fundamentalism, corrupt governments, foreign corporate and politically vested interests, and misleading media representations of the war.

Entry to this insightful doco is free. (But any donation is welcome.) A 2010 SAWA calendar will be on sale and new SAWA Lismore membership is welcomed.

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