
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

WWII WASP's Honoured

Women who flew military planes during World War II are finally getting their due.

Case in point: a ceremony at Long Island's American Airpower Museum honoring veterans of WASP , Women Airforce Service Pilots.

The trailblazers include 86-year-old Margaret Gilman of Manhasset, N.Y.

Her plane towed targets that gunners shot at for practice. Gilman, laughing, says it could be scary: They didn't always hit the target.

Eighty-eight-year-old Bernice Falk Haydu of New Jersey says WASPs had to pay for their own room and board, and even tickets to and from their bases.

Haydu says she's grateful they're now getting recognition.

WASP's on the Web
American Airpower Museum

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