
Saturday, August 29, 2009

SA Women Tackle Crime

From Bongani Fuzile @ the Daily Dispatch Online:
FED UP with crime in their village, elderly women from Kwalini in King William’s Town went on the offensive – and arrested a suspected criminal. On Thursday night they arrested a suspected robber – the son of one of them – who had run to their village seeking refuge.

And they warned this is only the start. “This is no joke,” said one of them, Cynthia Baleni. “We are are fed up with crime that has dented the image of King William’s Town, criminals must watch out.”

The women’s group started searching after being tipped off about a suspect in an armed robbery at nearby Upper Mthombe. “We heard that one of the suspects was hiding in the bushes not far from here. We can’t live with thugs. We took our sticks to search for him,” said Baleni.

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