
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Zambia: Violence Against Women & Children

From allAfrica:
HUMAN rights violations have continued to affect vulnerable groups especially women and children in Zambia, the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) 2008 report has indicated.

According to the report, a large number of women and children are exposed to violence and that most of the cases, especially those within the domestic sphere had continued to occur unreported causing the victims to suffer in silence.

Ms Siwale said the YWCA handled more cases of child neglect, which were at 26 per cent and that was an indication that children were the most vulnerable in most societies.

"Cases of child maintenance or neglect were the most prevalent at 26 per cent followed by marital relationship problems which were mostly reported by women and moderate men at 22 per cent a clear indication that more went unreported.

"Other cases were sexual offences, succession and spouse battering at seven per cent each, family problems were at four per cent while education assistance, employment issues, health and assault were at three per cent each," Ms Siwale said.


  1. Women have been subjected to violence throughout history, and although this horrendous action is condemned by all societies, it is still prevalent in many, especially the third world countries. In a survey carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005, out of the ten counties surveyed, more than 50 percent of women in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and Tanzania reported having been subjected to physical or sexual violence by intimate partners, with figures reaching a staggering 71 percent in rural Ethiopia. Only in Japan, less than 20 percent of women report incidents of domestic violence.
