
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Aboriginal Women in Canada

From NUPGE (National Union of Public & General Employees):
The Harper government is once again deflecting calls for a public investigation into more than 500 cases of missing or murdered Aboriginal women. Amnesty International, the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC), the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) and the Liberal Party of Canada have all called on the federal government to take more action on the alarming number of Aboriginal women and girls that have been murdered or gone missing in the past three decades.

In March, 2009 the NWAC released a second edition of Voice of Our Sisters in Spirit: A Report to Families and Communities. The Sisters in Spirit Initiative is a multi-year research, education and policy initiative designed to investigate the disproportionately high number of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls in Canada. NUPGE has supported this initiative with funding through its "Building International Sisterhood" projects.


  1. This is such a mystery and so sad. How do so many aboriginal women get to Canada and why?

  2. The fact that so many Aboriginal women go missing or are murdered and nothing gets done, speaks to the value general society places on an Aboriginal woman in Canada. If these statistics were for 'white' women, there would be country wide searches for them. We must work towards preventing the next generation from becoming a part of this statistic. Aboriginal women are often under-educated, under-employed and living in poverty. Aboriginal peoples need to be taught the skills to survive in society - education, self-empowerment, independence, and respect for themselves and their culture.
