
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Therese Rein

From the Australian:
"Therese Rein must be sick of being used and abused in every conceivable way by the ALP and its allies.

She was forced to sell the Australian arm of her business because its use of common law contracts conflicted with the ALP's union agenda to outlaw flexible agreements.

And now she is being held up as a human shield to deflect completely legitimate criticism of her husband's hypocritical attack on "neo-liberal, let 'er rip capitalism".

The same party heavies who were responsible for Rein selling her business to appease union warlords opposed to flexible, non-award contracts have now dragged her into an unrelated debate about her husband's now notorious essay in The Monthly."

Web Links:
Australian Company Directors - Therese Rein
The Age - Therese Rein
In the News - Therese Rein

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