
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Susan Tsvangirai

From VOA News:
"Zimbabweans expressed sorrow and shock late Friday at the death of Susan Tsvangirai, wife of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, in a highway crash in which Mr. Tsvangirai was injured, some voicing the suspicion that the collision between the car in which the Tsvangirais were traveling and a tractor-trailer combination might not have been an accident.

There was no immediate statement from Mr. Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change party on the crash and party officials said there were no plans to issue one.

Sources within the party who declined to speak on the record expressed suspicions about the incident in which the articulated truck swerved from the oncoming lane into the three-car convoy in which the Tsvangirais were traveling, clipping their middle vehicle."

From allAfrica:
"Susan Tsvangirai, the wife of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, bore the full impact when the vehicle she and her husband were travelling in was sideswapped by a haulage truck near Chivhu on Friday.

Susan was seated behind the driver of their car when a haulage truck encroached onto their lane. Their driver swerved and the truck crushed the right hand side of the vehicle, behind the driver. Their landcruiser veered off the road and rolled three times.

Reports we have received say Susan survived the intial impact and when she was pulled out of the vehicle she was talking, but clearly in great pain. But a close family friend told us she lost consciousness on the way to Harare's Avenues Clinic, where she was pronounced dead on arrival. Initial reports suggest she might have broken her back and suffered multiple leg fractures."

Wikipedia - Susan Tsvangirai

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