
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Powerful Muslim Women

From Times Online:
"There are more than 100,000 Muslim women currently working in Britain, yet many feel misunderstood and misrepresented. These women share the ambitions and challenges of all working women: to succeed at a good job and often to combine marriage and motherhood with a fulfilling career. Yet searching for positive role models can be unrewarding work, and there has not, until now, been a professional social network for working Muslim women."

These women are:
  • Farmida Bi
  • Mishal Husain
  • Sabina Iqbal
  • Imtaz Khaliq
  • Baroness Warsi
  • Professor Farida Fortune
  • Bushra Nasir
  • Dr Gülnur Aybet
  • Mehmuda Mian
  • Reedah N. El-Saie
  • Salma Yaqoob
  • Rimla Akhtar
  • Zahida Manzoor CBE
Thereafter follows a long list of other notable Muslim women.

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