
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jacobite Women

As the day approaches commemorating the march of the Jacobites to their doom on the battlefield of Culloden in 1745, I present this article from September 2008, on the women behind the men of the Jacobites.

From BBC News:
"The role of women during the Jacobite rising of 1745 and at the Battle of Culloden is to be explored during events later this month.

The National Trust for Scotland said it would be its first event to focus on women of the '45.

Author Maggie Craig will give a talk on the research for her book, Damn Rebel Bitches.

Nicole Deufel, learning manager at Culloden, said further events would look at women on the government side.

Strong Women - A Tribute to Heroines will be held at the Culloden Battlefield Visitor Centre on 27 and 28 September.

Government spies:
Ms Craig studied letters and records from the 1700s in her research.

She said: "The research was quite difficult. I had to look for the men and then the women attached to them."

What she found were women playing key roles in raising men to fight for the Jacobite cause and going on to the battlefield at Culloden to tend to dying and injured men.

A follow-up book - Bare-arsed Banditti - looking at some of the rising's less well-known male characters will be published next year.

Ms Deufel said the two days follow the trust's efforts to recognise the roles of women in an exhibition at the new visitor centre.

She said a future event would investigate women on the government side, some of which she said put their lives at risk as spies."

Web Links:
Author: Maggie Craig
BBC News: Jacobites March Recreated

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