
Monday, March 2, 2009

Centenary of Washington Vote

From the Seattle Events Examiner:
"March 1st marks the start of National Women’s History Month and to celebrate women’s historical achievements the National Parks Service has a series of events lined up. The main exhibit, entitled Catharine Blaine: Seneca Falls and the Women’s Rights Movement in the state of Washington, will run from March 1 to May 30.

Catharine Paine Blaine, an early women’s rights proponent, was only 18 when she and 100 others signed the Declaration of Sentiments in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. The document put into motion a need for changes in society to grant female citizens “all the rights and privileges” already enjoyed by men. By 1954, Catharine became one of Seattle’s first schoolteachers while also playing a major role in Washington’s suffrage movement. Washington, always one of the more progressive states, became the fifth state to grant women the right to vote in 1910.

Women’s rights have just now reached the 100-year mark. National Women's History Month is the perfect time to pay homage to the lives of the courageous women from just a couple generations ago who dared to take on a powerful patriarchy and through the waves they made empowered millions of women ever since."

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