
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Education for girls

Two stories on the education of girls.

From Gulf News:
"Taliban of the Swat region [of Pakistan] are ready to "reconsider" their policy on "education for women" through consultation with Islamic scholars after peace is restored in the area, Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan announced here on Wednesday.

He said Taliban are pro-education and scientific advances, but were against the western way of living and culture that was creeping in the Muslim society. The Taliban spokesman however, said they would abide by any fatwa of religious scholars and ullema regarding women education."

From Gulf News:
"From acid attacks, murder, torching of schools and sexual assault, violence against female students is dashing the dreams of thousands of Afghan girls and women who are thirsty for an education that may help rejuvenate the fractured economy and society of their war-torn country.

In relatively safer and less conservative Kabul, girls are facing abuse, sexual harassment and kidnappings. Many feel that once girls reach puberty, leaving the home, even for school, might cast doubt on their honour. Many of the jeering young men hanging around outside schools and following the girls home clearly believe that too."

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