
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Role of Filipino Women

The Manila Times has posted an interesting letter, written by former President, Fidel Valdez Ramos, entitled "Women in Nation Building".

A few snippets below:
"We Filipinos can take pride in that we are way ahead of other nations in the global struggle for women’s rights—which has been called the world’s longest unfinished revolution.

We of the Philippines have come a long way towards narrowing the “gender gap”—particularly in legal and political terms.

But Filipino women are still a disadvantaged group, and the work of empowering them—of giving them fuller control of their lives and life-choices—and better opportunities of education, self-improvement and livelihood—is a continuing one: crucial and necessary work that is far from over."

Mr Ramos then talks about the strong women in his life who have helped shaped his view on women.

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