
Friday, December 12, 2008

FEMNET - Celebrating 20 Years

"FEMNET was set up in 1988 by a group of women who had the conviction about the strength of numbers in any transformation or change process. ....... We want to see things change for the better - to have a more peaceful world where the main providers of development aid and humanitarian assistance are not the main producers and distributors of military arms especially small arms that have caused a lot of havoc in all regions in Africa.

When the founders of the African Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET) resolved to set up the network 20 years ago they had a dream. They wanted to see to it that every woman in Africa is able to live in dignity, enjoy life free of violence and deprivation and be equal partners in the development of our dear continent Africa and in directing its affairs. They were convinced that the more women from different parts of Africa remained in contact with one another, the more they would learn from each others' experiences, provide support for one another and build a strong women's movement for the development of Africa."

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