
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Army of Women

The call has gone out - women world-wide join the call to arms in the fight against breast cancer in 2009.

"Susan Love and the Avon Foundation have teamed up to recruit an Army of Women to help join in research that will eradicate breast cancer, once and for all.

Thanks to the women who have signed up; almost 250,000 women have already been recruited. That's terrific, but if we're going to reach our goal of 500,000 women by the end of 2008, and our ultimate goal of 1 million women, we need many more women to sign up.

This is the time for an all-out grassroots effort. Over the coming holidays, please tell your family members, colleagues, and other acquaintances about the Army of Women and why it's so important that they take part in this incredible effort to end breast cancer.

Signing up is free. What better gift to give womankind than signing up to help find a cure. No one is exempt from breast cancer. If you have breasts, you're at risk (and by the way, men can get breast cancer, too.)"

You too can join up at "Army of Women"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. Will forward this to all my contacts as well- it's wonderful to be able to make a difference.
