
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Women in Prison

From "Women News Network":

"Women's Prisons: A Global State of Crises"
"For nine years, Atwood photographed and documented the conditions for women in 40 women’s prisons worldwide including the US, Europe and Eastern Europe.

Conditions of improper touching by persons of authority, sanctioned sexual harassment, unnecessary strip searches, lack of proper medical attention or proper food exists in numerous global prison locations. In addition to this, psychological coercion and/or threats of sexual assault by persons in authority create a constant, unending and intense universal pressure on many incarcerated women.

Penal institutions in Canada, Australia, Russia, Mexico, Bolivia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the United States also have great needs for programs that will bring improvements for women prisoners. Women are too often left juggling harsh and unrelenting conditions in prison. Left without voice or power, without legal advocates, without opportunity or education."

You must read this entire article, which details the conditions of women in prison from around the globe in countries such as the US, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Canada, Mexico, Russia, and Estonia.

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