
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reform in Lebanon

From The Daily Star:
"Women's groups called for reform of the parliamentary electoral law, including the introduction of a quota system to ensure 30 percent of Parliament members are female, lowering the voting age and an end to the confessional system. Speaking at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) center in Beirut, the coordinator of "The National Conference for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women," Azza Hor-Mroue, outlined the group's proposed electoral reforms and stated their objection to the adoption of the 1960 electoral law.

Marie Nassif-Debs, an active member of the National Conference, described the organization as an umbrella body that brought together 60 NGOs, including many involved in women's issues, trade unions and youth-based organizations.

he organization has called for the introduction of a quota to ensure 30 percent of parliamentary delegates elected during the 2009 parliamentary elections are female. The group argued this is in keeping with Article 4 of the UN Convention of the Elimination of Discrimination against Women that encourages states to take "temporary special measures aimed at accelerating de facto equality between men and women." "

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