
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Spectacular Women

Yes - the title intrigued me - who were these women who headed the list of Lisa Kroger from Oprah's website.

Unfortunately I was left a little disappointed. The likes of Wilma Flintstone and Chelsea Clinton were not names that I would readily have placed at the head of my list. So I continued reading - and continued to be disappointed.

I have never been a fan of "O" - her show, her magazine, her website - and this type of journalism continues to only reinforce my views.

Her "Women Changing the World" article predominantly featured one woman - Queen Rania of Jordan, and a couple of interviews with the "common folk". And a small piece on President Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia. Quite a disappointing article really - or should I say mere excerpts from her show. Maybe I was expecting "O" to touch on more women who have made a difference in their own countries.

I actually watched a more indepth piece from a female BBC reporter about women in Iran.

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