
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Britain's "Land Girls"

On Wednesday this week, Britain's "Land Girls" were honoured for their work during World War II, working "on farms and estates, milking cows, digging ditches, making hay, sowing seeds and harvesting crops, to help alleviate food shortages.

The Lumber Jills worked in forests to provide timber for the war effort, felling trees, cutting timber and sharpening saws.

With war hampering the transport of food around the world, civilians were also encouraged to "dig for victory" during the war, and arable land increased in are by 63% between 1939 and 1944."

BBC News reported that:
"Fifty of the women - dubbed Land Girls and Lumber Jills - attended a ceremony in Downing Street hosted by Prime Minister Gordon Brown. More than 30,000 badge applications have been received to date."

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