
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Miracles of Mother Mary MacKillop

From "The Herald Sun" newspaper:
"The Vatican has launched a judicial inquiry into the case of an Australian woman who claims to have been cured of inoperable lung cancer in 1993 through the intercession of saint-in-waiting Mary MacKillop.

Two doctors will examine the case for evidence of a second miracle needed for sainthood. The first miracle, which led to the beatification of Mary MacKillop, was the cure of another woman of leukaemia in 1961. In 1995 Pope John Paul beatified Mary MacKillop, earning her the title of Blessed (Mother) Mary.

The latest development is the closest the Josephite order, which Mary MacKillop founded, has come to meeting the requirement for a documented second miracle, Fairfax newspapers report."

More on Mary MacKillop:
Blessed Mary MacKillop - Sisters of St. Joseph website
Mary MacKillop in Portland
Blessed Mary MacKillop
Mary MacKillop - wikipedia website

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