
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Medieval Re-enactment in Australia

To coincide with the "Medieval Imagination" exhibition at the State Library of Victoria (Australia), "The Age" newspaper's Patricia Maunder as a wonderful article entitled "Ye Olde Hobby", exploring the (medieval) world of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) in Australia.

"There are three SCA groups in Melbourne, re-creating a living history of medieval combat, music, calligraphy, clothes and feasting, including inner-metropolitan’s Barony of Stormhold ....... There are a few other re-enactment groups in Melbourne, including the New Varangian Guard, La Trobe Medieval Society and Order of the Crown. "

SCA - Australia
New Varangian Guard
ARLHO - Australasian Register of Living History Organisations
Order of the Crown

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