
Monday, April 28, 2008

Another Historic Bishop

Sorry this one is a bit late .....

As the title suggests, on Friday, 25th April 2008, another woman, Canon Barbara Darling, was appointed as an Assistant Bishop in the Church of England, Dandenong (Australia). This comes hot on the heels of the appointment of Kay Goldsworthy in Perth earlier this month.

An article by Mike Edmonds, appeared in Melbourne's "Herald Sun" newspaper:

"Archdeacon Goldsworthy and Canon darling were among the first women in Australia to be ordained into the Anglican priesthood in 1992. Canon Darling will be consecrated as bishop on May 31 in St. Pauls Cathedral."

Prior to her entrance into religious life, Canon Darling taught Secondary School for 6 years and lectured in theology for 14 years at Ridley College, Melbourne University.

"Canon Darling said her elevation did not mean a female archbishop was just around the corner."

However, lets hope that this will not be another 16 years in the making.

April certainly has been "Women's History" month here in Australia!

Australia's First Female Bishop

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