
Friday, November 23, 2007

Some Light Reading

I am about to embark on some "light" reading.

My poor brain is completely "fried" - overworked and just plain old tired, so I have decided to give the non-fiction a bit of a miss for a while and take up some historical fiction. Mind you, every book I selected in over 400 pages!!

So, on the agenda for the next month or so - depending upon the state on my mental faculties, are the following books, in no particular order:

  • "The Winter Mantle" by Elizabeth Chadwick ( - Norman England and the revolt of Earl Waltheof of Northumbria)
  • "The Tigress and the Rose" byRichard Cameron Low (- Eleanor of Aquitaine and Fair Rosamund Clifford)
  • "Innocent Traitor" by Alison Weir (- Lady Jane Grey) - I am slightly hesitant as Weir is not a particluar favourite of mine, but others think this foray into fiction is okay.
  • "The Greatest Knight" by Elizabeth Chadwick (- William Marshall)
  • "The Scarlet Lion" by Elizabeth Chadwick (- William Marshall, again)
  • "Bretheren" by Robyn Young (- Knights Templar)

I wonder if I should have tackled those books sitting, covered in dust, on my own bookcase first???


  1. I wasn't all that fussed about Weir, but loved the two William Marshal books by Chadwick!

  2. I recognise the fried brain feeling :-) There are some good choices on your list - I've read and enjoyed Innocent Traitor, The Greatest Knight and The Winter Mantle. My favourite was The Greatest Knight, a nice blend of action and characterisation with a bit of romance thrown in. Will be interested to hear what you think of them!

  3. I have heard many good things about Elizabeth Chadwick, so when I saw only three of her books on the library shelf, I snapped them up - I needed an extra set of arms by the time I finished!

    I might put out a small review once I have finished reading - but it may take a while!

    Thanks Marg and Carla!
